Top 5 Great old invention in the world.

This article is about top 5 Great Old technology/invention in the world. The makes human life easy to work.

            If we find around any thing which is not connected with wheel. Probably, every machine is connected with wheel. The wheel was invented 2000 B.C. With the passage of time wheel          upgraded and now we see wheel is made with iron.

2. Telephone
           Telephone was invented in 10 March, 1876 by Alexander Ghram Bell. The word which are spoken in first time in telephone are "Mr. Watson, Come here, I want to talk with you" by Alexander Ghram Bell.

3. Desktop Computer
     In 1822 intelligent young mathematics scientist Charles Babbage design a small model of difference engine. The Hero in Computer era is Von Nueman that give the concept of memory. After this there are many evaluation in computer.
First generation that was based upon vacuum tube (1942-1952).
Second generation that was based uopn transistor (1952-1964).
Third generation that was based upon integrated circuit (1962-1972). Fourth Generation was VLSIC (very large scale integrated circuit)  came in (1972-1980).  Fifth geenetation that is using now ULSI (Ultra large scale integrated circuit.

4. Airplan
               In 20th century in the race of "who fly first" wright brother was top in list. Orville and Wilbur are two american brother who invented the airplan in 1903. The first airplan was working on Glider engine.
On 17 December 1903 Orville wirght fly airplan in 12 second with 120 feet height.

5. Camera
                 The history of Camera is to record beautiful memories. Ibn ul Haytham work on obeservation of light. Nicepore Niepce  Joseph in  1826 record the sight of courtyard after 8 hour picture came in solid. Joseph give name "Hello graph". This was first picture that is taken by camera.

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