Algorithm in Programming Language

An Algorithm is technique of solving problem using some procedural format. Every language problem are solved on the basis of algorithms.
There is some example of algorithm:

  • write a program sum of two number.
  • Start with Program structure.
  • Declare three variable two for number input one of result.
    • A and B
    • C for result
  • exit
A good choosing about Algorithm is:
  • Simplicity
  • Clarity
  • Efficiency
Simple algorithm are easy to implement and understandable. Simple algorithm are desirable for server reason to implementation.

Program should be written clearly and understandable, that it can be maintained or easy to make change. Algorithm should be clearly describe the functionality of program.

Efficiency of an program or algorithm is time take to execute code and amount of storage that is taken by its variable. 

Algorithm are best technique to find error of program.

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