Software Testing Techniques

Software Testing Techniques
Slogan: Testing is Never frozen.
Let's start testing of website that you have made.
You can become a good tester, if you can develop best test strategy  for testing. 
Testing is not difficult, but it is important for any software to ensure it's quality.
Full error free software is not possible. There are different type of testing:

  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Functional Testing 
  • Integration Testing

White Box testing need good knowledge of code to tester but black box testing doesn't need domain knowledge just tester know about input that to b tested.

Know we discuss how we can test our web application, website or desktop application.
Selenium IDE provide environment of testing web based Application.
you need Mozila Firefox
Download and install Selenium IDE ads,
Download and install Firebug, and firepath

You can use Selenium Remote control for testing.

But the most software that is used for testing is selenium webdriver.
you  must need to install visual studio
then install webdriver form packages.
You can get full document and information form following link Click here and become good teste:

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