How to make software with efficient way

How to make software with efficient way
When we are making software, we choose some model to develop software. Coding of software is very easy but when we need to change software there are many error come that are not easy to solve.
There is some model for developing of acceptable software but you should choose model that is easy to for maintenance and changing of software.
There is some model:
·       Waterfall Model
·       Iterative Model
·       Plan driven Model
·       Extreme Programming (XP)
·       Rationale unified Model (RUP)
Software Design Cycle

Design Priciples

There are some techniques and criteria for development of Software:
A software should be low coupled and high cohesive.
Coupling defines software dependencies and cohesion defines module closeness relationship.
Software should be Data coupled and functional cohesion.
For designing and gathering requirement there are Language that is UML(Unified Model Language).
Example of UML

There are some principles used to develop software.
Open/Close principle and more other criteria.
Bertrand Meyer:
“Software entities like classes, modules and functions should be open for extension but closed for modifications”
When making some software initially that is very easy to change, when we add more module in our software it’s become harder to harder to make changing.
Mostly Software Engineers use Classes in software which are easy to handle during changing.
This article is just for identifying some basic rules to developing any kind of software. There are also many other model used for designing and developing software.
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