Google searching techniques

In the era of Advanced technology you can search any type of information. Within few minutes or second we can search complex, entertainment, news and technology information in internet.  
There are many search engine in internet. Like as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc, but most popular search is Google.
There are many way to searching on Google. Most of people do not know these features of Google.
Google Searching Techniques

  • One of two things
       If you search or finding something which you have no idea. You have some basic information about it. You can use sign of Or "|" between different words.
  • Topics or Synonyms
       You can search different topic in Google. For this you use the sign of tilde "~" between word. You can find topic related about this. e.g programming~languages.
  • Using of Satiric sign "*"
      If you forget some word that you are searching in Google. You use satiric "*" sign to find it. e.g Z language*
  • Time frame use
        If you search information about withing time period you can search on Google. For example if you want search about Scientific inventions you can write as discoveries 1800...1900.
  • Finding title and url
       Title of any topic you can find in Google. Using "intitle" word before your your topic without space. e.g intitle c languages in most useful. You can find also url using "inurl".
  • Searching using Image
     If you want to search information about image that is download from internet. You can search in Google using  write simply Google Images. Take image or write url of image and click search you can find information about image.
  • You can search on Google using Google feature search by voice.
Google is providing also many other techniques for searching information. Many of people are unaware about it.You can also search in google using Tricks and Tips.

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