C Language

C language is popular high level language. It was designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie. Dennis Ritchie developed C language in American research and Scientific development country at AT&T Bell laboratories in 1972. C language is comes form early developed language called B language.
C language was originally designed for operating system.
There are wide range of application which are developed in C language.
The ANSI(American National Standard Institute) developed a standard version of C language. C language is one of most top language which is used for developing software.
Some Advantages of C language:

  • C is very Convenient Language
  • It is Well Structured Language
  • It is Case Sensitive Language
  • It provides machine independence i.e(Code written in one machine can be compiled in other machine)
  • It is small language i.e(it is small number of keywords and programming control)
  • Most power full i.e(it is most powerful for developing different types of programs)
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to implement
There are many feature in C language.
  • Built in library files
  • Graphic working
  • Loop
  • Decision making statement
  • Array
  • Input/Output function
  • C language can be used for embedded devices.
There are many software that are written in C language
  • UNIX operating System
  • Python, Perl and PHP primary implementation are written in C language.
  • Matlab etc
Basic C language has Compiler/Software in which you can write coding of C language.
  • Turbo C is best software for implementation of C language of begginers.
  • Code Block
  • Visual C++
  • Dev C++
C language is easy to learn. It has some basic syntax e.g:
//These are two header files which are built-in. Stdio stand for standard input/output and Conio stands for console input/output.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

//Starting of Code
void main()
printf("Welcome to C language");

C language has unlimited function.
It is best language for developing logic and structure of writing program and C language is also like as C++. 

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